Archery Tricks in War of the Arrows

弓人 Classic Bowman Magazine - Archery, Show, Event, Coaching, Adventure & More

Archery Tricks in War of the Arrows Archery Tricks in War of the Arrows

War of the Arrows (Hangul최종병기 활; Hanja最終兵器 활; RRChoejongbyeonggi Hwal), alternately titled Arrow: The Ultimate Weapon, is a 2011 South Koreanperiodaction film starring Park Hae-il, Ryu Seung-ryong and Moon Chae-won. Set after the Second Manchu invasion of Korea, the film is about an archer who risks his life to save his sister from slavery.

Praised by critics for its fast pacing and combat sequences, the film drew an audience of 7.48 million, making it the highest grossing Korean film of 2011. It was also honored at the 48th Grand Bell Awards and the 32nd Blue Dragon Film Awards, including Best Actor for Park, Best Supporting Actor for Ryu, and Best New Actress for Moon.

Source: War of the Arrows Wikipedia

Archery Tricks in War of the Arrows Archery Tricks in War of the Arrows

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Jagd mit Bogen und Pfeil auf Moby Dick im Rhein?

弓人 Classic Bowman Magazine - Archery, Show, Event, Coaching, Adventure & More

Jagd mit Bogen und Pfeil auf Moby Dick? Jagd mit Bogen und Pfeil auf Moby Dick?

Der Spiegel 1966:
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Sword Fishing with Howard Hill

弓人 Classic Bowman Magazine - Archery, Show, Event, Coaching, Adventure & More

Sword Fishing with Howard Hill and Errol Flynn Sword Fishing with Howard Hill and Errol Flynn

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